
This blog is my platform for writing about issues I consider important, in need of a viewpoint or analytical attention I feel is lacking, or I just consider interesting. The main theme will be topics of global security, conflict, crime and instability, but I will intersperse it with my own travel experiences and occasional other content.

As for the ‘about me’ bit, I have a masters degree in international security and terrorism and enjoy writing on issues related to this field, both for my own education and to hopefully stimulate some reflection and interest in anyone who may read my musings. I have, so far, no professional experience in the area but I plan to pursue a career along those lines. I also have fairly boundless ambitions about travel, restrained only by time and money (just like everything else in life), so as and when I manage to explore far-flung or not-so-far-flung parts I will also post updates here.

Please feel free to share or cite anything I put here, all I ask is that I am correctly credited as a source and that links to anything I post are included with any online content which uses my blog as a reference or source.

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